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Solo Leveling anime diverts from source material, fans concerned

Solo Leveling, the anime adaptation of the popular manhwa, has become a sensation with its intriguing plot and stunning visuals. However, recent changes in the anime have left fans divided.
Six episodes deep, Solo Leveling follows Sung Jinwoo, an E-class hero who survives a nightmarish dungeon, gaining the ability to climb the ranks in the world of Solo Leveling. Guided by a mysterious AI, Jinwoo faces the challenges of strange portals and powers.
While A-1 Pictures has done justice to the story, some fans feel a difference in tone compared to the original manhwa by Chugong. The manhwa blends violence with humour, offering funny reactions and comic relief, a balance fans appreciate.
Fans familiar with the source material express concerns about the anime’s lack of humour. One Reddit user mentioned, “It’s good that they’re making the series look more serious but I do hope they put in a bit of comic relief scenes later on.”
A specific point of contention is the absence of playful moments with Kim Chul’s shadow, Iron. Fans miss the charm of shadows goofing off, highlighting their personalities and quirks. The removal of these elements raises questions about the portrayal of the shadows as mindless minions.
While some appreciate the removal of visual gags, acknowledging their potential mismatch with the story’s darkness, others worry about losing the characters’ charm. The debate centres on finding a balance between seriousness and the humour that defines Solo Leveling’s uniqueness.
Manhwa often employs comical tropes like chibi faces, but fans debate their appropriateness in a story with dark themes. Opinions vary on whether the anime should retain or discard these tropes to maintain the story’s integrity.
As fans eagerly await Solo Leveling episode 7 on Crunchyroll, airing on February 17, the discussions about the anime’s direction continue. The future episodes will reveal whether the anime strikes the right balance between seriousness and the beloved humour found in the manhwa.
